Thursday, 30 January 2014

Flash Gun

Speed Light SB-800

SC-28 sync lead
4 x AA's

Fill flash is used for; complimenting exsiting ambient light
to bring out detail in shadow areas
to highlight subject from background

Capturing movement; repeat flash
use the flash to freeze movements
use the rear curtain sync - flashes at the end of the shutter

When shooting in the studio there are different factors that change the exposure of the photo;

I found that when using a flash gun, it can create a really intimate feel between the cameraman and the models. Similar to some paparazzi's images, although the relationship between the elite stars and the paparazzi is far from intimate the closeness that the flash gives really creates an image which feels that is in the centre of the action. I really like how the flash can do this as I feel that it could create some really interesting, documentary style images - which I am hopeful to produce in my next project. What I like most about the flash is that it is portable and extremely easy to use. I am surprised at the brightness of it as it doesn't seem it could be that bright. I was also surprised that I was shooting on F/22 inside with an ISO of 400 as I thought the flash wouldn't give off enough light. 
These photos were unplanned and were just taken for learning how to use the flash. Depending on the position of the flash and where it is directed, will change how sharp and harsh or how small and soft the shadows will be. For example, the flash was pointing straight on at the model's, resulting in a shadow being directly underneath their faces. However, as my model in the foreground is slightly under the flash, the shadows are stronger.

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